It’s June! Finally! 
Now, I’m not a huge summer person, never have been. I sweat like my father. However, I do have to say I am so glad it’s finally June, and a new season. For me, summer is awash in blue. Almost like looking at a VHS tape, that’s how I see summer, permanently. 

This summer almost feels like a debut of a new version of me. I know it’s like corny and mostly untrue what people say about turning 25, but it does somewhat feel like something about life just connected for me. The most apparent change for me has been a sudden enjoyment of meeting and talking to new people. It’s like I’ve shed that feeling that most people are judging me for my outward appearance and just going into every interaction as happy and ready to yap. It’s interesting, and honestly so much more fun to live this way. I hope it’s not just me feeling alright right now and an actual change. Even though it’s alright if it’s connected to just feeling okay, actually. Since I know it’s something I can come back around to now, I used to never feel or act this way. It’s nice.

Another thing I’ve noticed about turning 25 is infinite yearning. Oh my days, it’s ridiculous. I’m not somebody who’s super interested in being in a relationship or feeling empty without one, but it’s just been an itch lately. It might be fueled by multiple different engagements, by my general feeling that everyone in a good relationship right now caught the last chopper out of ‘nam, by just being fed that kind of content on Instagram... whatever it is. It’s new, girl. Maybe something will be done about it, maybe it’ll go away. I’m not sure what to think or do about it. 

Well. I don’t have much else to say here, except that I’m excited for this new post category! I love going into depth about topics that interest me, and I often just offload like 10 essay length texts to my friends about opinions or observations, and I’d love to just put it here. It’ll be like a great way to go back and see my own opinions, and also a place to ensure my friends don’t wake up to 1 million words. It’s also just a low effort section compared to zines, leaflets, and studio. I don’t necessarily have to make a visual piece to pair with these, even though I really might HA!

Thanks for reading this far! Welcome to opinion square, hope you love reading other people’s thoughts!

Songs 4 U ❤︎
While writing this I stumbled across an entire account of someone reuploading old Loona tracks to comply with boycotting their old company ꕤ enjoy fellow orbits!

I’ve been going back and listening to a lot of Gotye, and here’s a favorite of his discography.